Thursday, February 25, 2010

Doctor's Appointment!

So, I don't have gestational diabetes! Woo hoo! However, the doctor told me that my iron was a little bit low and that I should take a supplement once a day. I figured this is definitely not the worst that could have been. The baby sounded great and its heart rate was 140 bpm! This is a lot lower than the previous 150's... Baby Boy maybe? I go back to the doctor on March 9th for another ultra sound! I will get to see the baby and all its parts. They are checking on a part of the heart they couldn't see and I will also find out what it is weighing. Speaking of weighing, I have gained 15 pounds total and I am trying to keep the weight gain to 4 pounds per month... I hope I don't cave! Anyways, only 2 more days until we find out the gender and we could not be more excited!!!!! We will keep you updated!
Love Love Love